Cal Nomad, Carrer Marroc 160, 08019, Barcelona
Thursday 12th of January 2023
from 17:00 a 20:00
Dara de Dartcafeine, chemical engineer focused on the relationship that water has with coffee
Learn how water interacts with coffee from Dara and Ivette.
Through a theoretical class, Dara will explain the different minerals that can be found in the water, and the way they affect the preparation of the drink. At the end of the theory, 3 practical exercises will be carried out that will help you understand everything in a better way.
- Tasting of basic tastes, sour, salty, sweet and bitter
- Tasting of water with different minerals
- Water with the same TDS and different mineralization
Ivette will be in charge of selecting the coffee and will explain its characteristics, and then, through two practical exercises, evaluate how the same coffee can change its notes depending on the selected water.
- Brazilian tasting, to identify the coffee profile
- Same coffee, different waters
joint practice
To finish with a blind tasting where you must identify the type of water with which the coffee has been prepared.
You don’t have to be an expert to sign up!