Special Espresso



Altitude 1.550 - 1.850 masl
Process Washed
Harvest MARCH - JUNE 2022
Notes ElderflowerMelonYellow plum

Sweet and fruity fragrance with notes of caramel, yellow plum and peach. Sweet coffee with a juicy acidity, flavors of elderflower and melon and a long-lasting caramelized almond aftertaste.

Fugi washing station is named after the hill upon which it stands. In 2016, the washing station was bought by Baho Coffee, a small company founded by Emmanuel Rusatira that oversees four washing stations across Rwanda, teaching and helping farmers, specially marginalized groups like women, older farmers and youth. Do you remember our Bugoyi lot roasted for espresso? It came from Rusatira’s washing station, so keeping in mind the quality of that coffee we can guarantee you will enjoy this lot as much as you enjoyed Bugoyi last year.

A part from training farmers, Fugi washing station helps them providing them with safety equipment whenever they have to use chemical products, offering small loans to help with the costs of production and other expenditures such as medical bills or school fees and growing seedlings and distributing them to farmers to help them renew aging rootstock.

Cherries are handpicked and delivered to the washing station, where coffee is sorted by hand and then floated. This process consumes over 70% of seasonal labor, but ensures only ripe cherries are accepted. Cherries are then pulped and dry fermented for 12 hours. Parchment is soaked for 8 hours in clean water to remove the mucilage and transferred to one of the two drying shelters from the station. Soon thereafter, parchment is moved to the drying beds to dry in direct sunlight for 33 to 40 days, being covered when the temperature is too hot.

At the time of replicating the recipe, there are different variables that can interfere with the final result of the cup, such as the roast date, bean conservation, environment, water, machine condition, etc. It is important to remember that all these factors can have an influence and that you may have to make small adjustments to replicate this recipe.

17 gr in
39 gr out
21 seconds

Machine: Sage, Barista Pro
Grind number: 12
Grinding time: 11 secons
Recommended mineral water: Lanjarón
TDS and extraction percentaje: 9,26 / 22, 13%