We find this coffee to be extremely clean, delicate and juicy. Clear notes of blackberry jam, dried plum, honey and blueberries in fragrance and a sweet and floral touch once the coffee comes into contact with the water that will accompany us until the last sip. Honeyed acidity and a nice and clean aftertaste that reminds us of honey.
Felino Sánchez Bustamante moved with his family to Finca Manacaraco from northern Perú in the early 2000s. Since they arrived at the farm, they noticed a bird whose song made them fall in love, and they decided to call their farm after that bird, Manacaraco, so they could share the story with the people who are curious about the name they chose for their farm. The Bustamante family works hard to improve the quality of their coffee, cultivating fruit trees in addition to coffee on their farm, and diversifying their processing methods.
The cherries from this lot have been handpicked and then pulped in the farm’s pulper drum pulper. The coffee is then anaerobically fermented in sealed containers for 42 hours and then washed with clean water. Parchment then dries in thin layers on raised drying beds for 15 to 20 days, being raked frequently to achieve an even drying.
All our coffees with roasting for espresso can be prepared in your home Moka Pot with the recipe that you can find in the NOMAD at Home section.
If you have an espresso machine we recommend using 18 grams of coffee to extract 38 grams in a cup in a time of 30 seconds. We use a temperature of 93ºC with the help of 8 bars of pressure.
We offer you these guidelines so that you have a guide when developing a recipe, but you should bear in mind that it can change depending on the coffee machine you are working with, the grinder and the water you are using.
Our machine: La Marzocco, Linea PB
Our grinder: Victoria Arduino, Mythos One
Our water: Osmotized water, 110 ppm